The Peel Project continues to become a trusted organisation within the local community and is recognised for carrying out activities which benefit the community and in particular (without limitation) to ethnic minority communities in Hull. By starting with grass level youth work and community work predominantly around fitness and wellbeing we have increased our capacity and created outputs and impacts with disadvantaged people.
The focus of our work is with those suffering deprivation, those who are new to UK or do not speak English as a first language and need support (low income families who cannot afford to support their children in extra curricular activities), education (for example women learning about cancer screening, healthy eating and lifestyles), as we increase capacity we will further partner with other bodies, relating to healthcare, crime prevention, education.
The organisation will hold events and seminars which will allow professional organisations to promote their services, it will facilitate organisations to get a better understanding of the BAME community, build trust and relations, build awareness. A strategy and opportunity will be provided for organisations to increase diversity and inclusion in various sectors and create champions from within the BAME community to promote health, crime, wellbeing and other issues
The Peel Project helps families from ethnic minority backgrounds and the communities they live in, in particular those from socio economically deprived areas of the city.
Read the report here.